Sunday, 24 June 2012

How To... Make my Mom's Cakes

Happy Sunday, blog lovers!

Today I worked and came home to news that 1. my man is coming home; 2. we're having a gathering at home for the England game; and 3. my mom is making cake. Good news! Good news!
My mom makes cakes quite rarely these days. We're all trying to be good - cakes are naughty - and since all her babies are grown up, there's not many people around to scoff the delights. 
She got the recipe from my grandmother, who got it off her mother, who got it from a really old cookbook they have in the 40's. Since the book is discontinued and god knows where, it's now known as 'Mom's Cake Recipe'. Maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to share it with my own kids - maybe. But in the mean time, I thought it'd be fun to share it with you. Plus it tallies up the 'How To' feature to a whopping 2! Today is all about the good news.

You will need:-

  • 4 Ounces of caster sugar
  • 4 Ounces of flour
  • 4 Ounces of butter
  • 2 eggs
Put the butter and caster sugar into a bowl, and cream together until it's well formed together and looks like really thick but smooth cream - as seen in photo.

Beat in one egg, and half the flour. 
Once it's all combined beat in the second egg. 
Fold in the rest of the flour. 

**Handy Tip** Make sure you fold in the flour gently. The best thing about my mom's cakes is the light and fluffiness. Absolutely divine. 

And there you have it. A Bliss family recipe for cake mix. You can do whatever you please with it now. Make cake pops (my 'How To' can be found here), make cupcakes, Victoria sponge, whatever you fancy. 

Today we're making cupcakes with chocolate and smarties. An old fave! Hope you enjoy your Sunday as much as I'm going to! Now to decorate the cakes, eat some food and wait for the England v Italy football game to start...

Go England!
Lots of patriotic love,

H xoxo

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